Wednesday, 4 September 2013

how to get rid of pimples

Glue Trick

  1. 1
    Acquire some simple non toxic glue. You can use the type you would have used for elementary school art projects, such as P.V.A glue or Elmers glue.
    1. Put your face over a sink or a bowl filled with steaming-hot water, or cover your face with a wash cloth soaked in hot water. This is optional, but can be very beneficial. Try to get the steam as hot as possible, but make sure it is comfortable for you!
    2. 3
      Apply glue to troubled areas. Then, leave it alone until it is completely dry.
    3. 4
      Peel it off. Peel the glue off and see results on the dry glue.

    Squeezing Them

    1. 1
      Warm your skin. Warming your skin makes the pores expand, making it easier to squeeze out the blackhead. You can do this by taking a warm shower or applying a hot compress to the affected areas.
    2. 2
      Grab a pinch of skin with one or a few closely-spaced blackheads in the middle and squeeze. You're trying to apply the pressure from underneath the blackhead.
      • This method works best if the blackheads are not tightly or deeply embedded, and if your skin isn't easily bruised or damaged by stretching.
      • You can also use an extractor tool or bobby pin to force it out. Be careful with these methods, and if you experience serious pain, try something else.

    Cotton ball Cure

    1. 1
      Use a mild exfoliant to remove cells and expose.
    2. 2
      Pat your face dry with a clean, fresh towel.
    3. 3
      Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.
    4. 4
      Pat your face again.
    5. 5
      Place a cotton-ball on the tip of each finger. This will help you to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.
    6. 6
      Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish.

    Toothbrush And Toothpaste

    1. 1
      Apply an inch-sized amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush.
    2. 2
      Wet the toothbrush and wet the affected area.
    3. 3
      Gently with your toothbrush, scrub the affected area for a small amount of time.
      • Make sure you do not apply too close to the eyes, as the vapours from methanol toothpastes can irritate the eyes.
      • If you have nose blackheads, apply an even smaller amount of toothpaste, and keep well clear from eyes.
      • This method has also been known to work on spots, but is not guaranteed.
      • Always sterilize the toothbrush with boiling-hot water after using this method.
    4. 4
      Repeat daily until the affected areas are clear.

    AHAs (Extra)

    1. 1
      Purchase a cream containing an AHA (alpha hydroxy acids).
    2. 2
      Apply a small amount of cream to the affected areas. This will clear away any dead skin cells and "expose" the blackhead.
    3. 3
      Repeat about every 4 days.
      • These products can cause skin irritation, dryness, and flaking. Discontinue use if the irritation becomes severe.
      • AHAs are also known to increase sensitivity to the sun, so be careful if you are going out in bright sunlight after using this treatment.

    Lime Juice

    1. 1
      Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin.
    2. 2
      Apply your lotion to your face. It will not only cure blackheads but the discoloring spots on the face too.

    Honey Trick

    1. 1
      Warm a small amount of honey.
    2. 2
      Apply on the trouble area.
    3. 3
      Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

    Egg Whites

    1. 1
      Beat an egg white. Be sure not to get the yolk and white mixed up!
    2. 2
      Apply egg white to the face with fingers.
    3. 3
      Put 2 ply toilet paper on affected area until dry. This should take about a half an hour, but may take longer. You will know it is dried when the paper gets stiff.
    4. 4
      Peel off slowly.
    5. 5
      Rinse face with warm water and pat it dry.

    Olive or almond oil Trick

    1. 1
      Rinse your face with warm water to open your pores.
    2. 2
      Generously saturate a section of washcloth with olive or almond oil.
    3. 3
      Place a dab of toothpaste (not the gel kind) on the oily washcloth.
    4. 4
      Gently and thoroughly rub the toothpaste over the affected area with the oily cloth. Do it twice if you have a lot of blackheads.
    5. 5
      Massage it into your whole face if you like. Add more oil or toothpaste as necessary.
    6. 6
      Wait about 5 minutes.
    7. 7
      Rinse your face thoroughly with hot water and a clean washcloth.

    Steam and moisturizer cure

    1. 1
      Put a hot towel over your face for 10 minutes. Letting it sit will bring the black heads to the surface.
    2. 2
      Wash with warm water and natural face wash .
    3. 3
      Close pores with cold water and apply oil-free moisturizer.
    4. 4
      Rub alcohol on affected area for five minutes

    Lime Juice & Salt

    1. 1
      Mix equal proportions of salt and lime juice.
    2. 2
      Apply it to the affected area.
    3. 3
      Leave it alone while it dries.
    4. 4
      Wash it off.

    Tomatoe Trick

    1. 1
      Cut a tomato into various shapes and sizes so that it can cover the curves around your nose/face.
    2. 2
      Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.
    3. 3
      Place the tomato pieces where your blackheads are and leave for 15 minutes.
    4. 4
      When time is up, rinse off with warm water.
      • Do not put moisturizer on right away.

    Cleansing Milk

    1. 1
      Apply cleansing milk to your face.
    2. 2
      Massage the cleansing milk gently into your skin gently for 5 minutes.
      • This method works best if you do it directly before bed.
    3. 3
      Apply Vaseline on the infected area and leave it on the whole night.
    4. 4
      After getting up, squeeze the blackheads. They will come out easily.
    5. 5
      Wash your face with cold water.

    Medicated Solutions

    1. 1
      Do some research online for a medicated topical treatment. These products may or may not be effective for you, so you should read about a few before you decide to purchase one. Here are a few names that you may want to search for:
      • The's treatment system
      • Proactiv--a popular treatment system with mixed reviews
      • Oral medications such as accutane--always consult a dermatologist before beginning such treatments

    Gelatin and Milk

    1. 1
      Take one table spoon of milk and one table spoon of flavorless gelatin.
    2. 2
      Mix them together in a cup.
    3. 3
      Heat the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds.

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